UPDATE – Moodozi is currently sold out in retail stores nationwide. However, they may still be available on their website HERE

This SAD light Is Selling Out Every Week! We Tested It To See Why!

By Simon Moore - July 17, 2024
in Home Tech

Here Are The Mind Blowing Results!

My job is testing and reporting on the latest electronic health devices, and when it comes to tech that improves your happiness and wellbeing over dark winters, I’ve tested almost every product on the market. Each winter for me is a real struggle, and I often feel like a shadow of my former self. So I personally have a huge interest in improving this!

However, when everyone thinks of SAD lights, they assume they’re all the same. Plug it in and cross your fingers that it’s able to reduce SAD symptoms that can make dark winters so tough. And unfortunately in my experience – they usually can’t.

Almost every SAD light I’ve tested has a major weak spot somewhere that makes it impossible to recommend, as every facet is so important. Many lights are unable to deliver enough Vitamin D intake or provide the full spectrum of light that’s needed to eliminate seasonal depression, lift moods or calm minds. And without the full array of natural color tones that sunlight provides, these lights just can’t optimise your circadian rhythm for improved sleep.

So, when my company asked me to review the brand new Moodozi SAD light, I wasn’t too excited.

“Ho-hum,” I thought. “I’ve tried many of these devices before and they’re always a let down. Here we go again.”

But this time – I couldn’t have been more wrong.

On a dark January morning, the package arrived with the brand-new portable SAD light inside for me to review. I opened the box and was immediately impressed with what I saw.

Some SAD lights look a bit cheap or rudimentary, but Moodozi is the exact opposite. Sleek and hi-tech with a substantial, premium design, I was immediately struck by how much thought had been put into the device, and hoped the same would be true of the technology inside.

It was definitely the best-looking SAD light I’d seen, so I really hoped that Moodozi would function just as great as it looked. But because all the other lights I'd tested had been so mediocre, I tried not to get too excited.

The team at Moodozi had some big claims to go with their light, which I really hoped wasn’t just overblown hype. Because if true – it would be a game changer. The device’s press release claimed that Moodozi was featured every color tone of natural sunlight, along with the full spectrum of light output, which enabled it to:

  • Eliminate Seasonal Depression
  • Improve Mood
  • Improve Vitamin D Intake
  • Improve Sleep
  • Deliver A Therapeutic Calming Feel

Now that’s a star-studded checklist of everything you could possibly want in a SAD light. But was it true, or a load of marketing hype?

It turns out – I was in for a very pleasant surprise during testing…

The Real Test - How Effective Is Moodozi At Eliminating Seasonal Depression?

I studied all the specs and discovered that Moodozi incorporates some of the newest advances in light therapy in 2023. That’s when I started to get excited.

Unlike other SAD lights, Moodozi uses patented, next-generation quantum-dot technology which is 5x more effective at replicating the full spectrum of light output from natural sunlight. Not only that, it claimed to deliver 100% of daily Vitamin D intake to provide a big boost in happiness and energy levels. The potential benefits of this new tech were huge.

“This is no ordinary SAD light. Moodozi’s advanced design and patented, light therapeutic technology put it leagues ahead of other portable SAD lights on the market.”

It turns out that in the last two years there have been some huge advances in how to improve our mood, happiness and energy levels using light therapy. But so far, Moodozi is the only SAD light to implement them. Very impressive!

Easy Setup

Moodozi is so incredibly simple to use. With a full, one-touch operation, I plugged it into a wall socket and hit the switch to turn it on. And as soon as I did, my opinion of this device suddenly skyrocketed a few dozen notches.

The natural, glowing warmth of the light began to do wonders for me in just minutes, with my realising just how much of an effect Moodozi was having on my mood. I could actually feel the dark, oppressive feelings I have in winter being lifted off my back! So much so, that it shocked me how bad I must have been feeling less than ten minutes earlier. And that was just the beginning of the benefits. Here’s what else I experienced…

Huge Sleep Improvement

When placing Moodozi in the bedroom, that very first night my wife and I both noticed how much our quality of sleep improved when waking up in the morning. Purely by adding Moodozi to the room and setting it to match our morning routines, instead of straining to get out of bed in darkness or stinging our eyes with our usual bedroom lighting, Moodozi gave us that wonderful feeling of freshness you usually only ever get on crisp spring or summer mornings.

In just a short space of time, Moodizi had greatly improved both mine and my wife’s sleep and level of happiness, and she doesn’t even suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. And still, there were more benefits to come.

Vastly Improved Mood

Over the coming days using Moodozi while at home, I began to notice how much my energy levels had begun to increase. Normally I’d get bouts of tiredness around 4pm as the nights grew darker, but with Moodozi at hand, I stayed sharp and alert right the way through to my normal bedtime. And this coincided with a huge increase in focus and concentration – finally the brain fog I get every winter had been lifted!

Incredibly Calming And Therapeutic

It’s a well known fact that natural sunlight instils a sense of calmness by tapping into your body’s circadian rhythm. And because Moodozi was able to capture the full spectrum of natural sun color tones, it worked even better than I could have imagined. My whole sense of self just felt calmer, more confident and self-assured throughout the day. I’m absolutely stunned by just how much of a positive effect it had on me.

In just two short weeks of using this device, it’s changed my wellbeing immeasurably over winter, and I couldn’t ever imagine going back to the way things were. I don’t use this term often, but Moodozi SAD light is simply AMAZING.

Now I Can Finally Enjoy Happy, Stress-Free Winters

With variable settings I can easily optimise Moodozi to a light level that suits, or just let it’s Smart Technology automatically optimise to our room size, which will be perfect for 99% of people. It’s so simple to use that you can just plug it in and switch it on without ever needing to worry about having enough natural healthy light at home. But wait…

I can hear the questions now… how much power are you using with this thing left on all the time?

The answer – virtually none. Unlike the big, energy-guzzling SAD light units we’re often used to seeing that ramp up your energy bills, Moodozi has a triple AAA* energy rating which runs at less than 10% of that power. It means I can leave it on WHENEVER I like – without worrying about unexpected bills. A huge relief I assure you!

“Moodozi is a win-win situation. The price is amazing, its mood-enhancing levels are superb, and its ability to eliminate SAD symptoms is fantastic!”

Usually I have to send back my review samples, but there was not a chance in hell I was going to do that this time. I wanted to keep Moodozi for myself so I could enjoy happy winters with improved sleep, energy and focus all year round. So I paid the money and kept it. ZERO regrets!

I wholeheartedly give Moodozi SAD light a massive THUMBS UP!


Here are the details:

  1. ADVANCED LIGHT THERAPEUTIC TECHNOLOGY – Moodozi incorporates patented, natural light infusion therapy that is at least 5X more effective at replicating healthy, natural light than any other device on the market.

  2. RAPIDLY ELIMINATES SAD SYMPTOMS – For bedrooms and living rooms it’s absolutely ideal. In just minutes it can lift your mood with it’s therapeutic benefits, which increase each day you use it.

  3. IMPROVES SLEEP – You’ll start to notice the benefits the very first night, as you see how much of a difference it makes waking up to warm, natural and healthy light that gently rouses you awake each morning.

  4. BOOSTS ENERGY AND FOCUS – Moodizi ambient light therapy technology is designed to work with our brains neurons, optimising the light wavelengths to boost energy and focus, leading to more productive days from when you wake up to when you go to bed.

  5. SUPER SIMPLE TO USE – Just plug it in and turn it on. Moodozi instantly optimises your room with healthy natural light that benefits both your body and mind.

  6. SLEEK & STYLISH DESIGN – This thing looks fab at home and easily blends in with your decor with subtle, stylish detailing.

  7. A-GRADE ENERGY EFFICIENCY – Unlike other full-sized SAD lights that send your energy bills sky high, Moodozi consumes low amounts of electricity so you’ll never need to worry about big electricity bills.

  8. AMAZING VALUE – You will be so happy with Moodozi you’ll want to order two or three to give to friends and family members who want to enjoy happy winters with improved sleep, energy and focus. And with such a great price, you’ll be able to afford them easily.

  9. CAST-IRON MONEY-BACK-GUARANTEE – If for any reason you think Moodozi isn’t for you, just send it back within 30 days and get a full refund, no questions asked.

Is There Any Downside To Moodozi SAD light?

YES, the “downside” is that they are selling like crazy. Thousands and thousands of units per week. The “downside” is that they may sell out before you can snag yours, so get to the official website RIGHT NOW and get the bargain of the year!

This is the only official site. DO NOT BUY ANYWHERE ELSE. Get the REAL THING. Buy the well-engineered, PREMIUM QUALITY Moodozi SAD Light today.